How a Scholarship Impacted Helen’s Education
The Founders of the Abundant Life Foundation, David and Brenda Dachner, met Helen in 2008. Immediately, they were drawn to this quiet, young girl who came across as a deep thinker. Helen later received a multi-year scholarship from ALF to attend a private bilingual school. She recently graduated from high school, and we invited her to share more about her experience as a student and her dreams for the future.
Tell us about yourself: My name is Helen…I grew up on the island of Roatán. I live with my mother in Pensacola. I love the island because the people are very friendly and it is a quiet place to live.

How did ALF’s scholarship make a difference in your education? I graduated from the Methodist School on November 28, 2019. ALF’s scholarship helped me to achieve a better education in a school that has strong principles. I have more opportunities – one of my biggest achievement was learning to speak English. I feel excited for my future because it’s time for me to take next steps in my life, and I can’t wait to see what my future holds.
Are there any teachers that stood out to you as a student? One of my favorite teachers was Mr. Elvir Puerto. I appreciated him because he taught me a lot during my high school years.

What are the next steps for you? University. I will go to the UTH University and have already been enrolled. I want to study Marketing- it’s the most attractive career to me. I can see myself working this job one day. My biggest dream is to graduate from University and find a good job. I also want to be a better person every day and help others achieve their dreams.
Speaking of dreams – what are your biggest dreams for your country? I want my country to be more developed so that it can offer better opportunities for the people. May the corruption in which we live in changes, and that the people may seek God more.

ALF has reinvigorated its scholarship program for 2020.
Helen as a young girl, playing with the Dachner’s daughter, Anna. Helen and her classmates in her elementary years. Brenda Dachner reading to Helen and other children.