Our Impact

ALF puts your donation to work to create the greatest possible impact across the island.

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The Impact of Our Work

ALF drives change through community engagement, education, and affordable housing. Our work impacts thousands of lives, creating opportunities for Hondurans to build toward a brighter future.

Woman playing with little girl in Roatan Honduras

Meet the Carcamos

Victor and Victoria Carcamo and their children spent years going from apartment to apartment, lacking a safe and permanent place to call home. Until they found Los Sueños: The Dreams.

View Their Story >
Student with graduation cap on Roatan Honduras

Carminda’s Journey

Carminda’s journey from a small village in central Honduras to her new home in Los Sueños: The Dreams is a testament to her unwavering determination to provide a better life for her children.

Read Her Story >

Lives Impacted Annually


Families in Affordable Housing


Kids in Educational Programs

How We’ve Made a Difference

Home build in Roatan, Honduras

Our Strategy

Success requires planning. ALF has developed a 5-year strategy that will allow us to intentionally and efficiently create impact.

Home build in Roatan, Honduras

Our Results

From affordable housing, to educational programs, ALF has made a big difference in the lives of thousands of people.

Home build in Roatan, Honduras

Our Need

ALF needs more change-makers like you to get involved so that we can scale our impact.  Join us as we empower others through affordable housing and education.

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