News & Blog

A Note From the Founders

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18 KJV  As our venture develops, let us keep focus on the larger purpose of Los Sueños: The Dreams. Initially the vision was simple – provide houses for families that deserved a house but could not afford them. While this tenant remains, it is part of a larger vision – […]More Info >

Playing Together at Los Sueños

Last month the Abundant Life Foundation was proud to host a very successful community outreach event at our Los Sueños: The Dreams property in Flowers Bay.  On Wednesday, March 5th, we welcomed over 110 local members of the surrounding communities, including community leaders, business owners and others, to vote on the future Los Sueños: The Dreams Community Park design and equipment.  This was an open and democratic […]More Info >

Flowers Bay: Coming Together During COVID-19

With the lock down continuing across the island of Roatán and cases of Coronavirus rising, we’ve seen leaders step up and promote the well being of their island communities. We spoke with Ms. Roya Simmone Woods, president of the Flowers Bay Patronato, to find out how her community is staying strong. How has Covid-19 affected the Flowers […]More Info >

ALF Voices – Federico Arriola

At the Agricultural Farm at our Los Sueños: The Dreams housing development, we are proud to grow organic, non-GMO crops in raised-bed gardens and are excited to share the center with Los Sueños homeowners very soon. We spoke with Federico Arriola, a consultant for the Ag Farm, to gain his perspective on this special project. […]More Info >

All About Los Sueños: The Dreams

Los Suenos: The Dreams is our flagship project on Roatán. It is about more than just building homes and offering safe, affordable homeownership opportunities on the island. It’s also about building a community for everyone on the island to share.  We’re here to answer all of the most frequently asked questions about our Los Sueños […]More Info >

Reef Cleanup 2019

This year the Abundant Life Foundation was proud to host our 4th Annual Reef Cleanup event on Roatán! Together with several businesses and volunteers from every corner of the island, we were able to collect over 700 pounds of trash from the coastline, keeping them out of the ocean waters surrounding Roatán. We asked Russell […]More Info >

Gay Cloud – My ‘Why Roatán’

How/when did you first visit/hear about Roatán?  I first heard about Roatán around 2010-2011 when the founders, David and Brenda Dachner were making regular trips to the island, talking about their love for the people of Roatán and their desire to make a difference here. The vision and mission of Abundant Life Foundation for Roatán […]More Info >

Partnering for Reef Protection

We love partnering with local island businesses to spread awareness about reef conservation to tourists and islanders alike! Our Top 10 Ways to Protect the Reef banner is located in high traffic areas across the island to raise awareness and educate about practical ways we can protect the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef from preventable harm. The […]More Info >

Corporate Social Responsibility with the Grand Roatán Resort

Following our incredibly successful 3rd Annual Reef Cleanup Event, we sat down with Carlos Lopez, General Manager of the Grand Roatán Resort to find out more about the resort’s Social Responsibility Program. Why does the Grand Roatán Resort, under your leadership, engage in a Corporate Social Responsibility Program? Engaging in a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) […]More Info >

An Afternoon With Nev Hyman

The Abundant Life Foundation was honored to host “An Afternoon with Nev Hyman, Founder and Chairman of NevHouse” on May 2nd at the Austin History Center. Legendary surfer and surf board maker, Nev dedicates his life to providing solutions to two of the most complex problems of our time:  the global plastic problem and providing […]More Info >