Playing Together at Los Sueños
Last month the Abundant Life Foundation was proud to host a very successful community outreach event at our Los Sueños: The Dreams property in Flowers Bay. On Wednesday, March 5th, we welcomed over 110 local members of the surrounding communities, including community leaders, business owners and others, to vote on the future Los Sueños: The Dreams Community Park design and equipment. This was an open and democratic exercise allowing the voices to be heard of those who will be using our public park, scheduled to open on the property later this year.
ALF Founder, David Dachner, opened the day by casting a vision for the type of community desired at Los Sueños: The Dreams. ALF hopes to create space at the public park where locals can enjoy time with their family and friends in a safe and relaxed environment, a space where communication and connection can occur among children young and old. The park facilities, along with the current basketball courts and the new reading room/library, will be an essential component of this type of community connection.
At the event, more than 20 different types of park toys and equipment were represented through photos which were laid out on tented tables on the basketball court. Each person in attendance was provided six stickers to vote with by placing them on their favorite park equipment.
In the afternoon over 60 kids attended and placed their own votes, sharing with their parents and ALF their ideas for what they hope to play with at Los Sueños: The Dreams. Our biggest hits, both with the kids as well as the adults, were the large gazebo with benches, the flowerpot garden, and a power fort with swings and a climbing wall. We had a wonderful time watching the smiles of the children as they envisioned the countless hours of fun they’ll have playing in this park that THEY designed.
We hope this playground and library will be a place where memories are created and where the community can celebrate one another for years to come; a place open to people from across the island, not only Flowers Bay; a place where lasting relationship can be formed between individuals, families, friends and the Abundant Life Foundation.
We hope you’ll join us as we build this park together!