ALF Voices: Destiny Bennett

Meet Destiny Bennett, ALF’s new Library Assistant.  Destiny lives in Flowers Bay, and aside from being an upbeat person who is wonderful to be around, she has a special connection to ALF.  Before joining as a team member, Destiny spent two years serving as a volunteer!  We’re so thankful to have Destiny officially on the team and look forward to her supporting our library and visitors daily.  Stop by and say hello to Destiny next time you’re in Flowers Bay!


Are you a native islander? If not, what brought you to the island

Yes, I am a native Islander.

What inspires you to be a part of ALF and what do you love most about your role with the organization?

I love being around the kids and I like the environment here at ALF.

What are some of your favorite hobbies or interests outside of work?

Playing volleyball, crafting, spending time in the word, being with my family

Can you share a fun or interesting fact about yourself that others may not know.

I can sing really well, and I’m a great photographer.

How do you like to spend your weekends or days off?

I like to stay home and craft on my days off or go to church

What’s something adventurous or daring that you’ve always wanted to try?

Visit the Crystal Caves

Is there a particular skill or talent you have that you’re proud of?


Describe a dream vacation destination you’ve always wanted to visit.

The Cayman Island, and all Caribbean islands.

What’s one piece of advice or motto that guides you in life?

If you’re not happy somewhere then leave because the most important thing in life is your happiness. -MY DAD.

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