Student Focus: Yulesci Webster

Say hello to Yulesci Webster, a bright young scholarship recipient from Roatán who is our featured student this month!  She is in her second year with ALF and we’re proud of her academic growth and commitment to her community.  We are so glad to be working with Yulesci and are thankful to be a part of her journey!


A little about Yulesci…

My name is Yulecsi Rosemary Belcarist.  I am an 11th grader currently living in Flowers Bay.

What do you hope to do in the future?

I want to become a neurosurgeon.

How did you first get involved in the Scholarship Program and why?

In the year 2022, my sister could not make ends meet.  She did not know how she would afford to pay my school fees, so we decided to apply to the scholarship program.

What were the challenges or goals you faced when joining these initiatives?

I would not say a challenge but just getting used to time management by putting in hours and keeping up to date with schoolwork.

What have been your most significant achievements or impact, how have you grown and what have you learned and results since joining the Program?

Meeting others with inspiring stories and learning that hard times do pass, and we are not alone, that there’s always a way somehow.

Can you share a memorable experience or moment you’ve had thanks to your participation in these activities?

Being able to continue studying in the school I am currently in thanks to the scholarship.

How might you use your experience with ALF to make a difference in your community?

Whenever I become a neurosurgeon, I want to serve my community by helping those that have medical needs and cannot afford it. Also, by showing others that no situation means that you cannot achieve your goals. It may be a setback but that’s all.

Do you have any advice or message for other students considering joining the Program of ALF?

That is always a way to accomplish your dreams and no matter how hard life may seem there’s always a way out.

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